Dear Santa,

You may be surprised to hear from me after all this time. I think the last time I wrote to you was when I was a little girl. This year, though, my wishes have overwhelmed me. I have wishes that span from my beautiful boy Noah across the globe for other babies with dementia and families I have never met. I hope you hear my wishes.

I hope that these wishes make a difference and this letter prompts donations to help children like Noah. Putting these wishes and my story to the world, this is what I have to give.

I wish my Noah could open Christmas presents like he used to.

I wish I knew what to get him, I don’t know if he’ll be able to play with a ball or keyboard for much longer, he is deteriorating so fast. 

I wish my baby boy could still sit up and eat Christmas lunch with me, he used to love the taste of food so much! I wish he could still swallow his food.

I wish my Noah could run and play with his cousins and his family and his friends this Christmas.

I wish he hadn’t lost his words.

I wish, like last year, he could sit up by himself so that it meant he was safe on the ground.

I wish I didn’t have to speak for him, move for him, instead. 

I wish that I didn’t have to understand that my son will never grow up or grow old.

I wish that people would be less frightened of what is happening to my Noah, and more accepting of him.

I wish people didn’t exclude parents like me and children like Noah because they feel they’re going to upset us or it's going to be uncomfortable for somebody. 

I wish that it wasn’t so lonely for kids with dementia, or so isolating for families when their child has dementia.

I wish people understood what we are going through. 

I wish people could see how amazing Noah is. He's always been so funny and so sweet, gentle and kind.

I wish people could see the little Balinese Zen baby that he was and still is.

I wish they didn’t categorize him so easily into the ‘not normal’ and that’s it. 

I wish for a cure, I wish for Noah to live longer, I wish he never had this disease, I wish for him to have the best life possible. 

With all my heart, 


P.S. Please let Jane know you’ve heard her wishes for Noah and children across the world.

Make a donation this festive season to change the lives of children with dementia now and long into the future. Your donation will help transform research and care for children with dementia.

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