Thank you for your donation to help families like Noah's.
Donate now, and together let’s make sure Noah’s story will never be forgotten.
Thank you for changing how the world views, treats and cares for all children with dementia now and for generations to come.
Noah lost the ability to eat, walk, talk or even sit up before he died. Towards the end, Noah no longer recognised people or places and needed 24-hour support. He was only 8 when he died.
Your support is generating world-first action to change the way the world sees children with dementia. Together, we are making childhood dementia impossible to ignore; we're driving sustainable and equitable improvements to ensure there is adequate care for kids like Noah; and we're transforming research to find urgently needed cures and treatments.Donate now, and together let’s make sure Noah’s story will never be forgotten.
Thank you for changing how the world views, treats and cares for all children with dementia now and for generations to come.